Masterclass with Luca Signoretti & Giulia Esposito, CIE. LA RONDE


Tanzworkshop. Im Rahmen des Tanzfestivals Steps

Nine dance companies are set to spend a good month touring through Switzerland. An opportunity for the Migros Culture Percentage Dance Festival Steps to create synergies: On days on which there are no performances, the dancers will give their Swiss colleagues insights into their work during masterclasses and training sessions. These workshops offer dance professionals based in Switzerland the opportunity to exchange ideas with other dancers and to learn about their choreographic work processes and movement vocabularies. Several of the organised workshops are inclusive and will be held for dancers with or without disabilities, offering participants a different approach to physicality.

Cie. La Ronde choreographer Luca Signoretti and company dancer Giulia Esposito guide dancers through a series of tasks, based on the choreographic process at the origin of the work “8”. Beginning with a warm-up, Luca will then share his personal approach to movement, using improvisational tools and a series of character-inspired tasks – teaching, deconstructing and recreating partnering repertoire from the work “8”.

Giulia graduated from the Höhere Fachschule für zeitgenössischen und urbanen Bühnentanz in Zurich in 2019 and now works as a freelance artist. Luca trained at the Ballet Junior de Genève before joining the Tanztheater Luzern in 2009. He went on to follow a career as a choreographer, presenting his work and winning many major awards around the globe.

Luca Signoretti and Giulia Esposito at Steps


Full Tuition: 20 CHF / 10 CHF IGTZ Members


Das Tanzfest Zentralschweiz / IGTZ The IGTZ is a non-profit association that represents the interests of the independent professional dance scene in our city and region. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed or become a member to support the association!

  • Banner: Radio 3FACH
  • Banner: Gletschergarten Luzern, Sipho Mabona, 12.09.2023–11.09.2024
  • Banner: 041 – Das Kulturmagazin 04/2024
  • Banner: *Alte Fabrik – Kultur im Zentrum von Rapperswil-Jona, 01.–30.04.2024