English Stand-up Comedy


Comedy. Mit Victor Pãtrãşcan

He was born in Romania and grew up in a village in a house his grandfather built, one of those with the toilet in the back of the yard. Victor Pãtrãşcan is the first Romanian to perform stand up comedy in broken English, with his first performance in London at the UCL Print Room Cafe in 2012. That was also when he got his first official complaint for telling innapropriate jokes. Since then, he has told his jokes in front of a crowd of people throughout the UK, Germany, Holland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, France Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.

Dauer: 120 Min. mit Pause


CHF 35.00


Theater Casino Zug

  • Banner: Radio 3FACH
  • Banner: Gletschergarten Luzern, Sipho Mabona, 12.09.2023–11.09.2024
  • Banner: 041 – Das Kulturmagazin 04/2024
  • Banner: *Alte Fabrik – Kultur im Zentrum von Rapperswil-Jona, 01.–30.04.2024
  • Banner: Luzerner Theater, Ärztin, 15.–21.04.2024