English Stand-up Comedy



Thank you for being such a loyal audience for our English Stand-up Comedy in over 10 years now. Even if you’ve just arrived in Zug, while in the Theater Casino Zug you can consider yourself a local or at least get in touch with some real Swiss. Have a good laugh together and enjoy the local curiosity about British humour.

The fish and chips are produced locally but à la British, while the beer and the comedians are the freshest, finest imports that can be mustered. Most important is the audience: a true melting-pot of nations worldwide. This is Zug - welcome home!


35 CHF


Theater- und Musikgesellschaft Zug

  • Banner: Radio 3FACH
  • Banner: Gletschergarten Luzern, Sipho Mabona, 12.09.2023–11.09.2024
  • Banner: 041 – Das Kulturmagazin 04/2024
  • Banner: *Alte Fabrik – Kultur im Zentrum von Rapperswil-Jona, 01.–30.04.2024
  • Banner: Luzerner Theater, Ärztin, 15.–21.04.2024